Saltheart Foamfollower
JoinedPosts by Saltheart Foamfollower
New member, no longer just reader...
by freemindfade inso i joined very recently and began posting and commenting without a formal intro.
been reading for a while, decided it was time to jump in.
mentally i am completely cleansed of this thing, but still have to maintain a minimal involvement for spouse and family.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Welcome. One of the things I do to get me through the meetings is to do things secretly - the more childish the better. So yesterday singing song 17 instead of "forward you witnesses ever strong of heart" I sing "forward you witnesses ever strong of fart". I also do a slow handclap when everyone else is applauding. Be creative but be careful as well. -
JW.ORG trademark?
by Saltheart Foamfollower inas i understand it, the borg weren't able to trademark, so can anyone shed light on why they are still printing with a tm symbol next to it?
Outline - elders meeting with pioneers
by naeuca inif you happen to have the outline for this years annual pioneer meeting with elders can you please copy and paste to me in reply or send me the link i'm pdf please.
thank you very much know advance!
Saltheart Foamfollower
Here it is - hope formatting is OK
S-211-15-E 12/14
Note to the elders:
This meeting is to be conducted in December or January by two elders selected by the body of elders. Other elders may attend. The meeting should be positive, practical, and encouraging. Al-low those in attendance to comment freely on the questions posed. Supplemental questions may be used as needed and as time allowsTheme: “Stir Up Like a Fire the Gift of God” (2Ti 1:6)
Paul encouraged Timothy to “stir up like a fire the gift of God” that was in him [Read 2 Timothy 1:6]
The word “gift” here is translated from the Greek word kharisma. From the Scriptural stand-point, kharisma is a gift received thanks to God’s undeserved kindness (w98 2/15 24-26)
In the case of Timothy, the “gift” referred to at 2 Timothy 1:6 involved some special service in the congregation. He had to “stir up like a fire” this gift by being diligent in his assignment
You have spiritual gifts to share with others, both inside and outside the congregation. These gifts are related to your service privileges and your opportunities to help others. Appreciation for such gifts should motivate you to “stir up like a fire,” or exert yourself, to do your very best
What are some of your spiritual gifts?
Your gift of full-time service should not be neglected
Cherishing this gift requires self-examination
[Read 1 Timothy 4:13, 16]
Question: In what practical ways can full-time servants apply this admonition?
[Read 2 Timothy 4:2]
Questions: Why is it important to cultivate the art of teaching? In what practical ways can full-time servants apply this admonition? (w08 1/15 8-12)
Jehovah helped Elijah “stir up like a fire” his service privileges despite discouragement
After Queen Jezebel learned of Elijah’s role in the execution of 450 Baal prophets, she threat-ened him with death (ia 101 par. 6)
When Elijah became fearful, Jehovah strengthened him (ia 103 pars. 13-14)
Today we experience difficult situations [Mention some examples that apply locally]
Prayer and meditation on God’s Word can help us “stir up like a fire,” or put our heart and ener-gy into, our ministry despite difficulties (Lu 11:9-13; ia 104 par. 16)
Question: How have you felt Jehovah’s strength in dealing with a stressful situation? (Ro 15:4)
Both in the congregation and in the ministry, be alert to build others’ faith
Violence, economic problems, and poor health affect many
Love for others will motivate us to encourage them
[Read Romans 1:11, 12]
Questions: What is the spiritual gift mentioned here? How can we use this spiritual gift? (w98 2/15 26-27)
S-211-15-E 12/14—Page 2
[Read Philippians 2:1-4]
Question: Why is it not helpful to compare the service of one publisher with that of another? (w13 8/15 21 par. 12)
Giving a fellow believer commendation can have a lasting, positive effect
[Relate the experiences mentioned in the August 15, 2013, issue of The Watchtower, page 21, paragraphs 10 and 11]
Questions: Have you seen the good effects of kindly encouraging others? How has their faith been built up?
It is also appropriate to encourage ones whom we meet in our ministry
The proper attitude is needed (w00 7/1 11-12 pars. 12-15)
Why do we preach?
We desire to praise Jehovah and sanctify his name (Ps 145:10-12; Mt 6:9)
We love people (Mr 6:34)
We view each fellow human as a potential brother or sister (Ac 13:48; 2Ti 2:25)
[Read 2 Timothy 1:7, 8]
Questions: To what lengths did Paul go in order to build faith in others? What do we learn from that? (w06 10/1 22 pars. 7-9)
The gift of everlasting life should be treasured and shared [Read Romans 6:23]
Look for more opportunities to share the good news
Do not neglect preaching from house to house
[Read Acts 5:42]
Question: What benefits do we receive when we share in the house-to-house work?
It may be necessary to adjust the time when we engage in this activity if we are having dif-ficulty finding people at home (km 6/13 1)
Be alert to adapt your presentation according to the needs of the territory (1Co 9:20-23)
Participate in public witnessing
[Read Proverbs 1:20, 21]
Question: What opportunities are available in territories that lend themselves to public witnessing? [If the congregation has an arrangement for public witnessing, ask the au-dience to relate encouraging experiences in this activity]
Seek opportunities to witness informally
Boldness is required; prayer will help us to have such boldness (Ac 4:29, 31)
[Read John 4:6, 7, 25, 26]
Questions: What do we learn from how Jesus dealt with the Samaritan woman? How can we be prepared to witness informally?
[Ask for experiences of witnessing informally to (1) a business owner, (2) a fellow traveler, and (3) a non-Witness family member]
Since lives are involved, we should seek every opportunity to share the gift of everlasting life (1Ti 4:16)
Thanks to Jehovah’s undeserved kindness, we have many spiritual gifts to share with others [Sum-marize the three gifts discussed in this outline]
Having these gifts is no reason to boast (1Co 4:7)
[Read 1 Peter 4:10, 11]
Question: What responsibility do we have in connection with any spiritual gifts we have re-ceived?
In Israelite homes, fires were often just glowing coals
The coals could be stirred up to produce flames and more heat
Similarly, all of us need to put our heart and energy into our assignments, ‘stirring up like a fire’ any spiritual gifts we have received
Our example will have a positive effect on the congregation and will help others to appreciate their spiritual gifts and their spiritual need more fully (Mt 5:3; 1Th 5:11)
S-211-15-E 12/14—Page 3 TO BE COVERED IN 60 MINUTES -
More Money For JW.ORG
by The Searcher inmy apologies if this topic has previously been spotlighted.. the following is a portion of the the recent money-grabbing letter from
it's on page 4 - one of the three pages which only the elders were allowed to read.. "surplus funds: is it necessary to save congregation funds for future construction or major renovation projects?
what should be done with excess congregation funds that are currently being held or that may accumulate in the future?
Saltheart Foamfollower
Many of the congs in my area did this (my cong didn't) and have had to find £1000 for projection equipment. There have been lots of murmerings from elders wishing they hadn't sent all of their money and planning to keep hold of it in the future. I suspect that circuit visits will try to enforce this - I'm looking forward to a showdown if he tries it in my cong (I'm a signatory of our savings account and I wont be allowing it)
Headquarters representatives visit to UK 2015
by Saltheart Foamfollower ina letter is to be read out at service meetings this week in the uk saying that sam herd & john larson are visiting next april.
on sat 25th there will be a 3 hour programme streamed to all congs.
the postscript (not to be read out) instructs congs that haven't already done so, to order the necessary equipment.
Saltheart Foamfollower
A letter is to be read out at service meetings this week in the UK saying that Sam Herd & John Larson are visiting next April. On Sat 25th there will be a 3 hour programme streamed to all congs. The postscript (not to be read out) instructs congs that haven't already done so, to order the necessary equipment. Around here there is already a 2 month wait for equipment and then everyone is trying to find someone to fit it. I envision a nice bit of chaos next April.
So its the Elders School this Weekend.......
by Slidin Fast inwhat is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
Saltheart Foamfollower
I was on a JC a few years ago and had the same thing - reinstated after 6 months and got letter from branch questioning us why. Funnily enough, the only bible example they can ever point to is the "df" in 1 Corinthians followed by the "reinstatement" in 2 Corinthians. Guess how long they reckon there was inbetween the two letters? 6 months or so!
So its the Elders School this Weekend.......
by Slidin Fast inwhat is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
Saltheart Foamfollower
From what I remember, the cong that the brother moved to thought he was great because he went to all the meetings - didn't ask him any in depth questions. The original committee makes the decision though, so they reckoned that 6 months was too little as he had been devious and had repeatedly sinned. It was all a bit exagerated to make a point. Other aspects of appeals were then discussed. They could have used an example where the committee were too strict and still covered every point, but that would have sent out the wrong message.
So its the Elders School this Weekend.......
by Slidin Fast inwhat is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
Saltheart Foamfollower
The previous KMS (and repeated at CO visits) was a video of a JC with a brother getting a "worldly" girl pregnant. The decision was to disfellowship. This KMS picks up the story (same "actors") with an appeal committee going through the case and upholding the decision. Fast forward 6 months and there is an reinstatement application (he has moved to the other side of the US). This is rejected. Two points - what message do you think they are trying to put across (BE STRICTER, LESS MERCIFUL). More importantly, can you guess which issue was never mentioned once in any of the 3 videos. The fact that he had responsibilities towards the girl and child never even registered as being worthy of a mention. Says it all about how the GB really view people.
The video about conducting the watchtower was fairly basic (is it normal to have comfy chairs like you'd find in a living room for the reader to sit on?) - nothing that hasn't been covered in recent circuit visits, so pointless.
There was no mention of tight pants, but NPGs (non practicing gays - I'd never heard the term before) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask. Wonder if they'll ever publish that one.
If You Don't Believe In God Anymore, Do You Still Say God Bless You or Thank God, etc.?
by minimus inhonestly, do you??
and if you do, isn't that hypocritical!.
Saltheart Foamfollower
I can't remember where I heard it, but I think Richard Dawkins often signs his books "God bless", presumably in an ironic way.
Caleb & Sofia have Mormon cousins
by wifibandit inthis was pointed out by throwingawayjehovah.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Maybe Kate's found what the big test of faith is going to be - JWs and Mormons to merge!